Demystifying personas

Brewer X is divided into logical groups we call personas. Each persona represent a specific content type or feature.

Some commands are only available in a specific persona, others are shared across them. In the same way, there are shared or dedicated settings.

Available personas


With the Apps persona you can manage all your apps, fonts, packages, screensavers, etc. Basically everything which is not a command line tool.

For those familiar with Homebrew, consider it as the casks.

Apps persona


With the Scripts persona you can manage all your command line tools and libraries.

For those familiar with Homebrew, consider it as the formulas.

Scripts persona

Switching persona

You can move between personas in three different ways.

From the toolbar

The first and most intuitive place to change the active persona is the toolbar. On the left side of the window title there is an handy segmented control dedicated exactly to that.

Change persona from the toolbar

From the menu bar

You can also change the active persona from the menu bar. Go to View → Persona and choose where you want to go.

Change persona from the menu bar

With shortcuts

Finally, you can use the handy shortcuts ⌘1 and ⌘2 to switch between the Apps and Scripts personas.